The Lost City (2005)
- 6.5 Ratings
Set against the backdrop of 1950s Cuba, The Lost City is a powerful tale of love, family, and revolution. The story revolves around a wealthy Havana club owner whose once-thriving world is upended by the turbulent transition from Batista’s dictatorial regime to Fidel Castro’s Marxist revolution. As the sociopolitical upheaval sweeps through the nation, the protagonist and his family face the heartbreaking realities of a divided society. The film explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the human cost of political change, capturing the vibrant yet volatile spirit of Havana during a critical period in history.
This film stands as a testament to D. Daniel Vujic’s ability to weave historical events into emotionally resonant narratives, showcasing his talent for storytelling that connects deeply with audiences.
- Director:
- Writers:
- Stars:
- Release Date:
- Countries:
- Andy Garcia
- Guillermo Cabrera Infante, D. Daniel Vujic
- Andy Garcia, Inés Sastre, Bill Murray
- 2005
- Italy, USA